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Hi, all! I finally got round to setting up my profile. Looking forward to toot (?) with you all!

I'm most online on evenings CEST and weekends.

pokemon pacifist run where you only battle the bare minimum (gym battles + unavoidable trainer battles) and get the xp you need through the non-battle pokemon interactions like camping and stuff and catching wild pokemon at full health

the tactic is called `admit' because you're admitting that you don't know how to complete the proof

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oh also one thing blocking me on substack a litttle is that it seems like something of an imposition to send random shit to people's inboxos but substack lets you not do that and also The People are literally requesting it

*you try to control the frame but I jump through it and do a cool roll, getting lightly injured* i'm the Original. tetraspace

This is just an alias for `admit`, but that's way less fun than just going `give_up` in a proof you're finding too difficult

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men will literally turn themselves into pickles instead of going to therapy

New opinions:

We must do something about the """"moons"""" of mars
The anthems of the world are usually worse than the flags, new anthems should be written
The EU should merge with India sometime this century

While donor lottery allocators might not be able to make use of donation matches, they would be able to become the large-donor side of the match. I wonder if this ends up being the same thing impact-wise

There's a league of consciousness communists who address each other with "cammaratte"

starting a foss themed bar called the activity pub

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a Schelling point for those who seek one