Show newer made a rust crate for interacting with the metaculus api

make a `Metaculus` instance then retrieve a `Question` with `.get_question(id)` or just the forecast with `get_prediction_for(id)` or what have you

made it to handle the stuff for my doomsday clock bot but it might work for other things

Youtube dumping this thing into my reccs as if it's completely normal

Though love me some memes in the intersection of uk politics and theravada

Good thing about a choose-one voting system is that to know who to vote for you only have to do a single pairwise comparison which is always extremely easy (just vote for the good guys)

Bad thing is everything else

RT @InfraredArmy
Vriska Serket and the Methods of Rationality

programming books are like "this is Crumbo, when you see crumbo you know the code snippet shown is Bad Code™

it's a Virtue of Grouping to do things that would be good if everyone did them (because there are shards of my algorithm in everyone)

And trees, poor stars and stones, but never

this fine specimen of hypermagical ultraomnipotence

Same view, one hour later

Please play “Magic City” from the Simcity 3000 soundtrack as you view this image

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standing in a corner at a party voice

they don't know how to use vim

@TetraspaceGrouping "fish guy" per avatar has a stylized fish clipped into per head but it just works out to be a really memorable brand

friendly FUCKING reminder because apparently i have to keep saying this

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a Schelling point for those who seek one