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romeo/juliet but they're headmates of systems on warring mastodon instances

This but city sized and rotating for artificial gravity is in Flancia
RT @KennyFlaten
DREAM HOUSE 🖼️✍️ COMING SOON TO @makersplaceco

as of the time of writing this one or both accounts might be renamed later

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Identity verification: and @TetraspaceGrouping are the same person

i feel like one of the most important developments i've made as a person was learning to err on the side of self aggrandizement rather than self deprecation

it's WILD how much better a ton of the former is better and less annoying than even a little bit of the latter

rick and morty rick and rick and morty

one is tall and the other is a shorty

motherfuckers in forums replying with "learn to google" and closing the thread when the thread is the NUMBER ONE RESULT ON GOOGLE.


obviously the guy just had an afterlife dream because they fell asleep thinking about afterlives i just think the whole situation is kind of funny for the guy

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probably an omnipotent being would have predicted this and chose a dream that has the correct effect taking into account that the guy would have forgotten most of it right, that was also part of this guy's request

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guy who asks for a prophetic vision about the afterlife, has an afterlife-related dream, doesn't write it down anywhere, and makes a vague tweet about it

I am now following both Alice (@__justplaying) and Bob (@SkepticalAlpaca).

This makes me giggle.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one