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OK deep breaths

they're not going to call me stupid if I ask suboptimal questions or volunteer suboptimal information


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Wordle 212 4/6


bought some ffp2 masks after looking at what my weekly dnd game is going to do for my microcovids

someone bap me if tomorrow lunchtime i haven't called or done something that's a better idea

moa bridge isn't working time to tell you all my deepest secrets

"mass formation psychosis" has become the new right-wing buzzword for the fact that most people believe that COVID restrictions are in fact due to COVID

Wordle 211 4/6


Inside of you there are four tetraspaces

They just agreed to a ceasefire

Wordle 210 5/6


Wordle 208 5/6


Wordle 207 X/6



Slightly sexist language 

My shot at explaining Embedded Agency (Demski & Garrabrant 2018)

A 🧵

There are two types of agent: PRUDE and SLUT.

This is Alexia. She is a prude. She won't touch the environment except through well defined input and output channels. She has a life that's easy: she can hold the entire bar in her head.

This is Emmy. She is part of the environment, and doesn't have clearly defined input and output channels (everything goes!)


Wordle 205 X/6


yeah this stumped me

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a Schelling point for those who seek one