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thinking of maybe just shortening various deety terms so i can sound like a cyberpunk future rat

okay, fine if it's really so important i will focus my life on solving ai alignment


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Who is Emperor Belos from the Owl House?

It's Phillip Wittebane, I'm gonna wait until the end of the season just in case it's a bait and switch but it's Phillip Wittebane, we all know this from the moment Phil's name was mentioned, this is free M$.

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What will the most cost-effective charity on Givewell's spreadsheet at the end of 2022 do?

In 2020 vitamin A supplementation overtook deworming as the top intervention in Givewell's spreadsheet.

This market is part of my greater vague idea of EA orgs maybe using predictions of their research findings to decide what research to prioritise; this market looks bullish on malaria prevention for example.

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Will the Supreme Court uphold the Ninth Circuit's judgment that California Proposition 12 doesn't violate the Commerce Clause?

Article on the matter is, meat industry is saying California's new animal welfare requirements are unconstitutional because it's causally entangled with interstate commerce.

Maybe I'll start using schelling more than Twitter, everyone in schelling is nice

for what i've invested in my site, it's now probably time to move it off on my own domain

Internal family systems is the same thing as picoeconomics

There are 65 different ideas in the world

*Ramanujan voice* “Oh, AI alignment? That's just a continued fraction” *pulls out a notebook*

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my reply guys have reply guys, and they have reply guys too, and deeper still; together we implement an HCH tree.

Me: "Now this is *truly* cuboidal. Don't you think, old chap?"
Cuboid: *bwwwwwwwwwww*
Me: *slams table* "Ha, yes!"

damn dude you look disembodied as fuck

hot em

i will never feel bad again about spending time on frivolous projects after seeing that gwern has written a 200 page blogpost on generating anime girl faces


TurnTrout long site
johnswentworth long site
JhanicManifold long site
Anders Sandberg long site
Stuart Armstrong long site

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I don't want to think about my career. I want to solve the goddamn problem!

there was this one person i remember from my local empire who spoke only in a conlang called "baseline" and "learned" tetratopian standard over like a year, and in the meantime they made like several novel contributions to economics that were "from their home planet". very popular character

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alien gets isekai'd to tetratopia and they still don't know she's not just a very dedicated chuunibyou

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a Schelling point for those who seek one