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next call has happened, I got some quotes on the price! 💷 i can get 80k whole life cover, sufficient for cryonics institute, for 50 per month 📈❄ lets gooo

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Do you need to see a long-tailed tit in midflight? Yes yes yes!!!


zackmdavis long site
tailcalled long site

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the sun is peeking over the concrete living container and quinn has still not gone to bed. :blobcatsleepless:
> google and apple have given up the sci-hub founder to the FBI

ah yes, global instability and your priority is terrorizing some random librarian
fuck you and die government shills
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Blahaj is now available for your blobby emoji needs at !

Thanks to the amazing commissioner, these are all free for use. Also in telegram sticker form at

(If you want your own, I'm open for commissions!)

But this is legitimately odd: I gave money to the LTFF to optimally improve the world. Now they give me the money back, after I tell them what I'd done with the money if I'd kept it.

Where do I donate now!?

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"the living will envy the dead" interesting theory! but im not suicidal. "everyone will die" not if youre like 20 miles away from the blast. "you secretly want nuclear war to happen" oh god do you apply this reasoning in your day to day life. "nuclear war wont happen" valid it probably wont. "nuclear war is bad BUT" did you read the tweet. "nuclear war is bad BUT" no really did you read it. "nuclear war is bad BUT" holy shit please its 280 chars you can do it just read the tweet

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i keep thinking of mean tweets about like the antiprepping people who say prepping is too hopeful and in fact we should all act really cynical in a way that precludes doing anything but i am not actually prepping so stone meet glass house

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a Schelling point for those who seek one