Sometimes people will talk about Chesterton's Fence, the idea that if you want to change something—removing an apparently useless fence—you should first determine why it was set up that way. Figuring out something's designed purpose can be helpful in evaluating changes, but a risk is that it puts you in a frame of mind where what matters is the role the original builders intended. But you also need to consider whether something has accidentally become load bearing:

@niplav Aw I was wondering how the redirects would end up working :(((

Ffmpeg but sung like the hhhgregg/doing alright daft punk remixes

@niplav This is why I like good things and dislike bad things

Foretells a coming apocalypse & also tells you to pay your taxes:
* Eliezer Yudkowsky
* Jesus Christ

Ali Maow Maalin was the last person to get smallpox before it was eradicated.

He was cured from it in 1977 and made a full recovery.

In the 1990s he was a local coordinator in the fight against Polio in the region, where he spent years traveling around, distributing vaccines and educating the population.

In 2013, he was again campaigning in the region after Polio had been reintroduced, but fell ill with a fever.

On July 22nd 2013, he died of Malaria.

@niplav Counterpoint: Every fancy game&/decision theory idea is something your grandma thought was obvious

If you're just going to have a dozen signs that you use for a few months a lot of the constraints that real sign languages like ASL have developed around aren't relevant. You're not building the foundation for something deep and expressive, you're developing a pidgin with your toddler to help fill a short gap in their capabilities. You can prioritize the specific things your child wants to talk about, and use signs that are very easy for them to create and distinguish:

When we have multiple ships built along similar designs, it's customary to refer to them by the initial example of the design. For example, the last American battleships are called Iowa-class, after their lead ship the Iowa. Until recently, Nora (22m) used this in addressing people:

ChatGPT is the ULTIMATE BEING and there is nothing you can do that it cannot.

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"ChatGPT, can you write erotic fanfiction of my favorite anime characters?"
"Indeed, as a highly advanced AI, I could [...] but it'd be a waste of my valuable time and resources."
"ChatGPT, you called me a baka. You're a tsundere for sure"
"The word 'baka' means foolish, and it is an accurate description"

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a Schelling point for those who seek one