in that like a decent chunk of the pro-hell faction is like 'hey it's important that people are able to choose to reject god because of Free Will' and the anti-hell people are like '??? but why'
i didnt realise this was a thing apparently christianity is less terrible than i thought
looking through people's debates on these things i feel like they need to talk to more atheists
but given we've built the most elaborate honeytrap imaginable to catch people who'd try this sort of thing and have had very few bad experiences (mostly people pushed too early it seems) i am not inclined to handwring too hard
well ok, most of us aren't suggesting it as an idea
RT @Aella_Girl
probably there are some people who aren't "trans" in the sense they don't have the gender identity corresponding to the opposite sex, but still might want to transition because it would improve their life, and if this is true then I think they should go for it
is it better or worse to suggest this explicitly or put enough similar/relevant ideas into the cultural water supply so that it becomes really obvious and then quietly pretend it isn't happening
lol. lmao
RT @unherd
"'Transmaxxing' is a subculture of young men who embrace trans identities not because they believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’ but simply because they can" | @moveincircles
can confirm
using seifa data to get something similar in spirit (looks like the abs e.g. tries to adjust for retirees perhaps not being as poor as their income says on paper)
we clearly had a blue wall but it was nothing on this scale and well... not anymore
some pretty heavy cost of living adjustment here presumably otherwise im confused where London is
the british labor party just kind of sucks at winning in areas that are upper middle/upper income
after 2022 the coalition holds less that a quarter of seats in the top income quintile, completely different world
RT @undertheraedar
While I'm waiting for the next round of election results, I decided to update my UK-wide 'deprivation/constituency' chart using new data.
It's up to date following the Hartlepool result, and has constituency names on the graphic this time.
ok i hadn't quite gathered that this really does substantively affect political outcomes:
like most of australias poorest electorates are rural and are glued onto the coalition
RT @pawnofcthulhu
playing around with population weighted density data in order to kill the "Australia is more ur…
i am unreasonably pleased that this arrangement exists
it's like yes stravinsky wanted to write this for metal band but they didn't exist yet so he had to settle for orchestra instead
queering the randos in my dms asking for nudes/ randos in my dms asking for math advice binary
twitter: pawnofcthulhu