@FenTiger Hm. Don't think I've read his books, so thanks for the pointer!
So, I've finally got around to going through the spare hard drives the Feds returned to us after their raid last year, only to discover that the first one I picked up isn't actually one of ours.
It's one of theirs, filled with their "crime scene" photos and analyses of our suspicious computers.
Should I have that? Probably not, even now, but hey, free hard drive and they owe me a damn sight more than that.
(Our nation's finest, ladies and gentlemen.)
@coyoty Nice.
In the 'verse, I postulate storing data in memory diamond using ¹²C/¹³C bit representation, which lasers can then read out based on the slight difference in electron energy levels between the isotopes.
@zarpaulus none of the apps in question has any connection with Amazon
@chakatfirepaw @squeakyears @maxissakitsune @nyrath
Those too young to have used it might want to look up uucp.
Or FidoNet.
@synlogic I believe that’s called an oligarchy.
@nyrath Yeah. But that’s only because we can’t make and etch super-pure semiconductor crystals well enough to make a bazillion-core massively-parallel processor block.
(Still not quartz, though.)
At one point in the development of organic/biotech computing devices, it was necessary to provide indicators of their internal state for their operators.
The resulting bioluminescent demi-fungus was named, inevitably, "blinkenlichen".
Science fiction writer. Speaker to minerals. Consensualist. Illeist. Pony and kanmusu stan. Can call spirits from the vasty deep!