It's more that only cancer, in the category of things that grow, has an exponential curve rather than an S-curve, because it's the thing for which growth is a terminal goal. For everything else, it's instrumental.
(Even the Daleks, as pretty much the gold standard for highly-focused monomanic civilizations, don't want to wallpaper the universe. They just want to be alone in it, and growth is a tool.)
((Even if they could destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek.))
@MeiLin @isaackuo @Hcobb @cstross
I should probably clarify at this point that fashionability is just my snarkriff.
The real problem is that if you're a critter, be it meat or machine, that is accustomed to life in the busy infosphere of a developed solar system, voluntarily signing yourself up for long-distance STL bandwidth and data rates is like, as a human today, signing yourself up for a few centuries in a sensory deprivation tank.
If there is one thing my career has prepared me for, it's following detailed procedures precisely and not making single-digit slipups that lead to disaster.
Well, that was predictable.
It's OK to like the engineering of space X without agreeing with the personal politics of Elon Musk.
If every inventor in the world had to pass an ideological purity test, we'd still be struggling with taming fire.
It's when we start projecting "the engineering is good so the politics have to be good" we get in trouble.
@zarpaulus Not in any particular detail, no. Seems like a rather bad idea at the moment.
@dashdsrdash @nyrath @tkinias @isaackuo
Isn't this how you get the gnurrs to come from the voodvork out?
Also: "Inviting a Communist Party into our market, even as it bars foreign competition in its own, is no one’s idea of advancing capitalism. What exactly do these groups think they're defending? Is this really their conception of the free market?"
I will defend to the death the right of my enemies to believe half-baked economic theories which lead them to subsidize cheap goods for me at their expense, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone not prone to leave free money on the table.
I am told that libertarians are badly isolated in this TikTok fight, and how much our kicking and screaming is hurting our credibility in the conservative coaltion.
Gentles all, _fuck_ the conservative coalition.
If you don't have principles when it's inconvenient, you don't have principles. And you don't deserve to have any credibility, either.
Science fiction writer. Speaker to minerals. Consensualist. Illeist. Pony and kanmusu stan. Can call spirits from the vasty deep!