So, I've finally got around to going through the spare hard drives the Feds returned to us after their raid last year, only to discover that the first one I picked up isn't actually one of ours.
It's one of theirs, filled with their "crime scene" photos and analyses of our suspicious computers.
Should I have that? Probably not, even now, but hey, free hard drive and they owe me a damn sight more than that.
(Our nation's finest, ladies and gentlemen.)
At one point in the development of organic/biotech computing devices, it was necessary to provide indicators of their internal state for their operators.
The resulting bioluminescent demi-fungus was named, inevitably, "blinkenlichen".
Nom -
The diet of states.
A request for MoronMail:
The MTA for tired people and dumb internal applications.
Science fiction writer. Speaker to minerals. Consensualist. Illeist. Pony and kanmusu stan. Can call spirits from the vasty deep!