
It's just... so dumb.

Am I missing something?

It also incredibly bothers me these guys think "humanity" is real. No! America is real. China is real. The EU is real. Russia is real. And even if they're somewhat correct about AGI, you cannot stop China from developing it. This is a prisoners dilemma and the West should defect.

@delca he's like, the most boring kind of right. yeah, that analogy works. but as you said, there's no real path to a universal ban

@delca If I understand you correctly: What you're missing is that he isn't proposing a strategy here.

He is aware that there's no way for everyone to suddenly stop developing the dangerous technology.

That's what he's complaining about: the local incentive is for everyone to defect, so everyone will defect.

Unfortunately, your strategy (the West defecting), fails to prevent everyone from dying. He's not proposing a solution; his expressing despair at the insolvability of the problem.

@IrrelevantSidenote628 ah, alright then! hotline miami 2's ending comes to mind....

@delca This feels like a situation where different levels of abstraction can apply: Obviously "humanity" has sometimes done things (FCKW bans! Miraculously avoided anyone doing human cloning (or IES or wide-spread nuclear fusion)!)

also nothing in the image implies that "humanity" is taken as an atomic entity(?), and AFAIK the MIRI crowd believes international coordination to be fruitless in preventing AI from killing all humans

Isn't he one of those retards who worship technological singularity and think we live in a simulation made by a super intelligent AI from the future (gnosticism for morons)?

@Resident_Evil goodness I sure hope not that would be real stupid

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