@autiomaa I keep seeing people link to this 8-year old "Chromium" version from back when Blink was a separate repository. The actual Chromium one is in source.chromium.org/chromium/c .

@gregtatum This is definitely doable. I spent 5 minutes on it and am getting good (not perfect) results from both ChatGPT and Claude. A bit more fine-tuning or maybe just better prompting, and you'd have something very good.

@rmondello This sounds really great!!

To confirm, if I want to share passkeys between iPadOS Safari, Android Chrome, and Windows Firefox, the best route is going to be a third-party password manager, right? And per your tweet, Safari/iCloud/iOS is doing its part there?

@verdi I really really need translation. I suspect this is out of your control since even desktop Firefox doesn't have it, but that's the number 1 reason I have to switch to Chrome on Android.

@WomanCorn Reading the spec is one approach.

If you file a Chromium bug (crbug.new) it will probably get triage attention from engineers who can do the spec-reading for you.

Browsing wpt.fyi/results/css/css-contai for something similar to your case might also be illuminating.

Alright I made it, I'm staging.bsky.app/profile/domen . Will try to pay it forward once whatever mysterious invite-generating process happens.

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I am bad at (and mentally drained by) online shopping. I made a valiant effort this weekend to find new shoes, but (a) most stores in Japan max out at 30.5 cm; (b) the one store I found and loaded up my cart on, has a limited allowlist of email domains. Defeated.

@foolip People keep making fun of me when I pronounce "Vue" like "voo" instead of "view".

@WomanCorn file: URLs are broken for various reasons; bypassing such a large chunk of the platform (i.e. the network stack, the origin model, ...) often has bad interactions. http on localhost should work fine though.

@foolip Yeah, at least for the static services. The problem is just whether we want to spread over all of DigitalOcean, AWS, and Netlify...

I then asked a follow-up question about how I could made this work while also grouping the results. It (of course) knew what to do there too. But check out how the conversation ended! I thought I was just doing a polite "thank you", but I got a bonus lesson!

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15 minutes reading docs on how "common table expressions" work, and I still can't figure out how or whether they'll solve my problem.

1 minute with ChatGPT, and it says "CTEs will work. Here's the modified code."

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I really enjoyed using ChatGPT-4 today to get better at a programming language I'm new/bad at. (Namely, SQL.)

@estark Bing might be the right tool for this job, although it wasn't able to parse a calendar itself (I had to navigate from the current month to August):

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a Schelling point for those who seek one