Google Maps says 12,136km
RT @ChuckleeDoRight
72% of all adults live within 20 miles from where they grew up. How far do you live from home?
I’m 14 miles away from where grew up
RT @iamnoah
RT @iamnoah
Failure is good. End of tweet
I honestly think people like Newton must've had ADHD. No coffee? Nothing makes you happy except for inventing calculus?
RT @iamnoah
@pee_zombie Having ADHD is a good excuse to organize your life differently, pursue different things, and consume lots of stimulants. Not a good excuse for why you are bad at your job or keeping commitments you have made. You don't get to abdicate responsibilities you have willingly taken on.
biggest mistake in computer science? numbers
RT @ollybot_redux
biggest mistake in computer science? introduction of conditional jump instructions
Not looking to see if anyone made this joke already: doing by not doing
RT @iamnoah
@cvaldary the best book on Taoism that can be named is not the true best book on Taoism.
Don’t forget this is mansplaining
RT @St_Rev
@goblinodds I think this is a super common part of the growth process for spergs. Hyperfocused interests, too much sharing, one day (in the process of building an ego) we notice other people don't share our obsessions, and we get so embarassed we overcompensate/shut down.
Abolish rhetoric is rarely good
RT @turrible_tao
You should want to make cities more appealing and cheaper to live in and possibly even safe for families, but all they do instead is attack suburbs and claim they want to abolish suburbs and act like step one is to punish suburbs instead of improving cities
this is an atacc
RT @AnnaGHughes
Hi there - I'm an anonymous stranger who doesn't follow you! I wildly misinterpreted your tweet and I am ANGRY
RT @Economissive
Imagine being the government and knowing this would happen and going ahead anyway rather than just building more houses so that landlords couldn't do this
Suddenly all the problems I have seem unimportant.
RT @selentelechia
have you tried having a baby to solve the problem
Don't want rents to go up? Do something different.
It doesn't matter if you think landlords are greedy. Of course they are! If you had the opportunity to earn money being a landlord, you would do it to! You will not shame them into lowering rents. Stop being naive.
frequently worse
RT @ElyKreimendahl
controversial, but being early to someone’s house can be just as rude as being late
like you only are supposed to think this part
RT @djmicrobeads
having "social skills" is where you think one thing and say a different thing. there are some other details but that's basically it
Has anyone made a t-shirt with "terraform destroy -auto-approve" on it yet? #terraform
Ah no