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right foundations

do you mean things like APL/numpy-like array programming? or something else entirely?

do you believe economics comes to conclusions that are more right/left wing? are you right/left wing politically?

uspol, enviromintal, grumble 

on the risk of stumbling into an unrelated subculture

carbon taxes

is paul atreides a villain?

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is leto atreides a villain?

at 0°N0°E there is a buoy. on top of the buoy there is a 5 bit memristor. whenever someone shakes the memristor my microwave beeps.

good luck

niplav boosted

in the alternate universe where we took the biopunk tech tree option, “chinchilla scaling” is way cooler

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If there was an account that was “animals that go hard” I would be one of them

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@thatonecalculator hey, how zip-bombable are image compression algorithms anyway?

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it sucks that the English cannot distinguish Schloss, Burg, Feste, Herrenhaus and Rittergut.

I *maintain* that Paul was actually a hero

("oh look at me, I place incredibly high demands on this 16 year old to basically sacrifice himself for the rest of the universe, and I condemn for only doing the 2nd optimal thing he could do in the situation")

this is "shinji was a pussy for not getting into the robot"-tier nonsense


Leto's a villain tho as far as I understand the third book (tho this is incredibly unclear)

implementing Augmented Lagrangian because you want to: cozy, relaxed

implementing Augmented Lagrangian because your degree requires it: nausea-inducing, terminal ugh-field

doing it anyway in a 3 hour haze of nicotine-fueled parameter-tuning: self-transcending, supremely agentic


"bug they dug too deep, and awoke things that shouldn't have been awoken…"

What is true is already so.
Owning up to it doesn't make it worse.
Not being open about it doesn't make it go away.
And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with.
Anything untrue isn't there to be lived.
People can stand what is true,
for they are already enduring it.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one