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anyone wanna go back to being a rationalist or nah

Some thoughts on extending the Thiel classification by a third axis:

niplav boosted

@typeswitch carefully boosting this because I don't understand yet

might be misinfo

I'm slowly learning how to do a lit review

niplav boosted

TED talk:

"Imagine a printer..."

"that works."

crowd goes fucking insane

has anyone tried constrained optimization into an ethical system yet?

on reflection disinviting AI researchers from parties and conferences is not an effective way of stopping them in developing AGI

Primality tests:
* Fermat Primality test, then
* Sieve Eratosthenes
* Pocklington's test, then
* the AKS test

@axiS respect, I didn't get anyone to pay me money as a counterfactual mugger

niplav boosted

first you learn quicksort and mergesort, then you go back and learn insertion sort and selection sort. then, you learn heap sort.

and you never learn bubble sort.

this is the "machete order" for sorting algorithms.

note to self: do not use a ping twice with the same person

We maintain that the second thing is also hard[1], though maybe not as hard[2][3] (unsolved as of yet)


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a Schelling point for those who seek one