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ghastly incentives! horrid incentives!

niplav boosted

@faho "gdb", short for "git diff --binary",

@faho Oh, pre-written? That's not how it's supposed to be like. The other way around is better: should flow from muscle memory into the computer, not the other way aronud

niplav boosted As a hikineet, MFW the first paycheck in my life came from the Doomsday Paperclip AI gang... ​:woozy_baa:​

Yes, don't delete! They give prices for good posts.

Mate-poaching is a thing because it makes use of information asymmetry: why do all the mate-evaluation work yourself when you can just let someone else do it?

position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, crackle, pop, …lurch?

Plotinian theory of ›better is realer‹ equivalent to STV+UDASSA (more symmetry makes you easier to locate in the universal prior)

woman told me of a dream she had where she saw a man having sex with another woman, taking over and “being better than her”.

first time i've heard of competitive ranked sex in the real world

I should've read more history and less philosophy

@faho muttering under my breath, straining

"truth and beauty, truth and beauty"

i am normal and can be trusted on your internet forum

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@timorl yea maybe

but short-term stuff is less interesting to predict

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a Schelling point for those who seek one