Currently using dwm and loving it.
I guess I like it this much because I've just ingrained the shortcuts into my basal ganglia.
Adam Smith certainly had a lot of impact, not sure about the "greatest" adjective
How much counterfactually available outcome-value is left on the table by Hansonian instincts?
I.e. you have a community that tries to achieve X, but they don't achieve X as well as they could because of social status drives. How much better could they achieve X if they didn't have those drives (at same level of intelligence)
Either phrase things clearly with "should" or "ethically", or speak purely in "if X, then Y" or "Z will happen".
Knowing the background of this, I'd bet at very generous odds that these people ideally would want insect factory farming *not* to happen.
It's more a "if you're gonna eat the bugs let them at least not suffer maximally" type of nonprofit
@faho type of guy who writes a blog post instead of a paper
@theblockchainsocialist It would be hilarious if it happened tho
@theblockchainsocialist I also find this scenario very unlikely
@gigabecquerel gotta love the ❤️ 🇺🇦 sticker tho
Wasn't Carcinisation[1] such a blog?
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].