@meso !4$ !4$
Ali Maow Maalin was the last person to get smallpox before it was eradicated.
He was cured from it in 1977 and made a full recovery.
In the 1990s he was a local coordinator in the fight against Polio in the region, where he spent years traveling around, distributing vaccines and educating the population.
In 2013, he was again campaigning in the region after Polio had been reintroduced, but fell ill with a fever.
On July 22nd 2013, he died of Malaria.
@cosmiccitizen Yes, this is extremely interesting.
If I was ~10x more mad scientist I'd try to replicate their work on my own.
@meso you're in your arthropod arc
@kaia Kali Yuga
@faho mesqueal
@chjara Ah, makes sense. Thanks!
(By "historical trends" you mean the trends observed in the little ice age, I reckon)
@chjara Man paleoclimatology is a neat rabbithole
@Eris :-/
(Not trying to dispute AGW)
I notice that I'm confused: from my understanding we came out of an ice age ~15k years ago, with the Holocene glacial retreat.
But looking into this, there's also something called Dansgaard–Oeschger events, which look like they happen every ~4k years.
We also had the Little Ice Age 400-200 years ago, but that abruptly ended with the Industrial revolution, maybe you're claiming that it would've persisted if not for human intervention?
@jhpratt Nice.
"Martin Luther King was a criminal!"
@tortle Huh I might be that person for others
I'd be happy being asked for LSD
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].