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Hmm today I will form an opinion about the whole loosely organized group of people based on the behavior of its worst members
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The two worlds can interact, but I think "decentralized convergence" gives the *illusion* of solving most decentralization problems.
The right *mindset* (even when combined with blockchains!) is "decentralized, cooperating agents in a hostile network"!

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A GPU? In this economy?

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Possibly already ancient joke 

What do you call it when you embarrass a man who is being cheated by on his wife?

A flustercuck

In an adequate society, domain names are managed by harberger taxes+small flat administrative fee, everything exceeding the costs is used to pay for DNS servers.

In our world, $CLUSTERFUCK

I am a microplastic connoisseur, I am a xenoestrogen cocktail sommelier

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reading email RFCs reminds me that the foundation of our civilization is not reason but rather madness

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As was surely expected, person of the year is the girl reading this 😳🎄🎉

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Client side idea for email with cost: the higher the cost, the longer the delay until the payment is actually made & the mail is sent out

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a Schelling point for those who seek one