@ersatz yeah I recognize these points as relating to the typical experience machine debate, just wondering if there's some specific context I'm missing. as in, what are they arguing AGAINST?

@pee_zombie this is the “bad arguments against the abolitionist project” bingo: https://www.abolitionist.com

@ersatz amazing, thank you. love me some good transhumanism. I used to have H+ in my tweeter bio but no one understood it

@jdp @pee_zombie imagine trying to decipher this post to a normie

@ersatz @pee_zombie

I can’t imagine how disappointing it would be to quantum suicide thinking you’ll skip to FAI just to be put in munchkin jail for eternity.

Literally playing yourself by setting up a situation where you can’t be allowed to die and you can’t be allowed into heaven, bro, broseph, broski, fucking lol.

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