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Quality is a characteristic systems can possess, an ineffable je ne sais quoi setting them apart. While typically treated like obscenity ("I know it when I see it") many have tried to pin it down, most notoriously Pirsig in the infamous Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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I find myself in this state often when my life is going well, when I've got my shit together and everything feels Right; a simple walk around the neighborhood becomes a veritable font of inspiration. I see beauty everywhere I look, absolutely churning out the photos of Quality

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this state is vivid centeredness, wherein one is fully within their body, their spirit balanced, and hence able to channel the transcendent directly; while possible to enter intentionally through these practice, one can also live their life in such a way they naturally emerge
RT @nickcammarata
Even just random bits of the ground sparkle and come to life

any problem can be reduced to one of semantics, this one included

finally someone said it
RT @PrinceVogel
Really frustrated that it's a balmy 46f in NYC right now. I was expecting to enjoy more walking against a bitter wind through a quieted city, and at least one real snow day by now.

real monist hours who part of of the Great Monad?
RT @prerationalist
guys only want one thing and it's an ontology that contains only one type of thing

technology is by its nature much more legible than sociopolitical systems, which are typically not intentionally designed but rather emergent

somewhat easier to fixate on the legible explicit component of some dysfunction, even if its not the more relevant part

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technologists often make the mistake of ignoring the sociopolitical context of some problem and try to solve it entirely using technology

nontechnicals do the same thing, but in reverse, blaming technology for sociopolitical failures; where does this tendency stem from?
RT @NobleActuaI

the trick is a deft political move, a form of frame control, changing the rules by which the game can be played

RT @Amos_5_18
Counterpoint implied by their actions is "and our violence is speech", a logical consequence of their philosophy enabled by the fact nobody has pushed back on the initial thesis (and postmodern worldview in general) as mentioned by this Q'dT.

We have little ground left to cede.…

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the "speech is literally violence" trick functions by elevating social reality to the same ontological status as the physical, which is a legal move in a postmodern worldview where the truth is what people agree on it being
RT @yashkaf
When I hear "this argument/data can be used to attack" I basically translate it as "I'm a pure conflict theorist who couldn't give less of a fuck which arguments/data are actually true" but to be fair I …

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes
RT @mitchcohen
I snapped a photo of a group of people outside today. My iPhone replaced one woman’s head with a leaf. Rest of the photo is fine. No weird settings. I’ve never seen this before.

transhumanism entails radical morphological freedom, And That's Good
RT @JCorvinusVR
Every major species of avatars you see in VR, be it anime, robots, furries, or even the crazier ones like particle clouds and vehicles, is a preview of a future branch of human evolution. It might sound wild, but eventually biotech is going to bring them out of VR and into irl

science is an epistemic transcendence ritual
RT @a_yawning_cat
science is the act of transmuting personal truth into shared reality. the ability to replicate results through peer review is fundamental to distinguishing science from personal anecdote

great thread on hands-on autodidactism for programming, altho it applies just as well to any skill; I've found it easiest to learn something when I can anchor every question against a practical goal I'm trying to achieve, rather than floating in the midst of rootless abstractions
RT @liminal_warmth
Someone asked me today what the minimum IQ to be able to code is because they were struggling with it and I think this is the wrong …

music as the mineral oil bath you immerse your brain in, seeping into all its crevices and filling the cracks, smoothing out the discontinuities betwixt mismatched thought
RT @ElodesNL
hmmm wondering if the reason music helps me work is less because it enters into my attention and makes me feel better while working, and more because it captures me during all the small moments where I briefly lose focus on work, meaning my focus doesn'…

a universe with legible and concrete moral laws to follow is much simpler to operate in than one without; as such, choosing to believe in such is an efficient heuristic

RT @pee_zombie
binary thinking, and hence the Just Universe, fallacy, is attractive for this reason

allows you to use much simpler cognitive models, which work perfectly well enough in the average person's life

this is an entirely rational optimization for human …

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much moralization of behavior stems from the Just Universe fallacy, which is a type of simulationism wherein the metaphysics reify Story, granting it primacy over physical law; all events, especially unfortunate ones, must therefore be understood in terms of narrative structure
RT @ded_ruckus
obviously the infection has ~nothing to do with taking your mask off -- current masking protocols are effectively worthless

these people just…

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a Schelling point for those who seek one