@cosmiccitizen Counterargument: I've hit my head lots, and had at least 2.5 grown-up-labelled concussions.

- Slammed into stone-wall at high speed with toboggan. (Though is contributed to my aura of destiny, since I had an iconic scar on my forehead for >1y.)
- Fell off tree while climbing, landed on back.
- Fell off my bike (xN).
- TV fell on my head.
- (more)

...Not sure why I said "counterargument". I'm decent at abstract thought, but have a mental-illness-load that rivals Jeanne d'Arc.

@niplav Whisper (and others) is adequate for speech-recognition, especially if you're just aiming to use it for dictation and not have too thick of an accent.

It probably gets German accent (or whatever you have) better than Norwegian accent, though!

I haven't tested these:
- github.com/KoljaB/RealtimeSTT
- github.com/johannesCmayer/syst

^ That last repo made by Johannes. Consider it a person-recommendation!

rime boosted

@niplav For GPT speech, I currently use VoiceWave¹, because it allows keywords like "send" and "clear". I talk to myself a lot, so it's important that I be able to control what's actually sent. OpenAI's app stresses me out.

There are better tools for this, including open source and customizable (e.g. KoljaB's repos²), but I haven't prioritized setting setting up yet.

¹ chromewebstore.google.com/deta
² See RealtimeSTT and Linguflex: github.com/KoljaB (owo, so many updates since last time!)

@niplav For GPT speech, I currently use VoiceWave¹, because it allows keywords like "send" and "clear". I talk to myself a lot, so it's important that I be able to control what's actually sent. OpenAI's app stresses me out.

There are better tools for this, including open source and customizable (e.g. KoljaB's repos²), but I haven't prioritized setting setting up yet.

¹ chromewebstore.google.com/deta
² See RealtimeSTT and Linguflex: github.com/KoljaB (owo, so many updates since last time!)

@niplav Another thing I use STT/TTS for is being able to quickly ask fact like questions without leaving my computer-free-zones desk/couch/bed. I get too deep into looking things up if I actually use the PC.

Google Assistant is good for very well-defined questions (e.g. "what's the elimination half-life of 5-HTP?"), and has the advantage of not being able to confabulate plausible-sounding answers unless it has a source.

@niplav Writing with it is much faster than writing with my keyboard. The annoying part of it is that it spells things right. It makes things long.

My Task-Manager / Time-Tracker / Note-Taker / Schedule-Keeper / Context-Shower / Thing-Framework-Setup is very much incomplete, so at the moment uh I can say "new task" to iterate Toggl Track, or "new note" for simple notepad (usefwl eg at night), but far from all that I want with it.

Voice commands are very convenient, but hard to get used to.

☙ what i mean by "serendipity rarely distributes ato causality" is that concentration of VoI is often thickest at the joint observation of causally ~unrelated processes. if u want the most generalizable variables, sampling seemingly-unrelated generators is like selectively filtering for stuff that applies everywhere.

☙ if u tune the sensitivity of u's detectors *down*, but sample nature's generators broadly and rapidly… u avoid the diminishing marginal returns associated w any given generator.

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not bad for a day. if only this was what i *intended* to do w it.

Dear Diary,
I have discovered my latent ability to breathe with my eyes.

☙ "optimize your ideanet for serendipity + context-logistics"

☙ "resist temptation to use hierarchy to represent causality ior ontology of territory"

☙ "apply uniform noise to relatively amplify latent resonators."

@niplav I was positively buoyed the other day by the fact that the speech-to-text AI (I think it was OpenAI) I used recognized the name "Brian Tomasik". Windows Voice Access, however, spells it as "Thomasik".

ato the Debug Info, my RemNote database has 933980 internal links and 94989 "present rem" and 36133 "missing rem". tho calling it a "database" is an exaggeration. it's painfwly slow, sometimes bleeds info (e.g. links break). not sure how they define "missing rems", but yes, i'm definitely looking to transition to something else. /.\

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some days it just clicks together.

for context: i write ideas/insights/learnings into my main knowledge-net, and make *transclusions* of especially memorable notes into my daily notes, so i can quickly look over recent things i've thought about.

the blue text is internal links, and i optimize my headlines and aliases for being easy to link to and search for.

@niplav ok fine, nvm. (0,1) is more vortexy in most ways, at least if u hv a universe w additive interaction-laws... i is silly for saying otherwise, and repent my lack of forethink.

...hm, sometimes failing to see obv counter-arguments while excitedly follow crazy train-of-thought can be usefwl as long as no attachment and easily rewind. can recycle nuggets got.

@niplav interesting! I no grok q "surreal numbers" bon quick lookup, but i'll now keep eye open for it lurn.

my orig motivation for it is feeling lk normie-graph fail capture symmetries btn interval (0,1) & (1,∞), and mk it seem lk (0,1) is the exception. normie-graph force u to lurn diff heuristics for sim shapes in ea region. ey squish (0,1) into tiny vortex* u can't even visualize anyth in. it's big-number bias.

*(1,∞) is j as much vortex as (0,1), tho it sure feels diff on normie-graph.

Tip: If you're multilingual and you want to use speech-recognition to dictate in one language, you can use the other language for commands in order to minimize accidental conflicts.

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tfw u tryna shush the *Narrator* on Windows Voice Access.

i often mk v obv mistakes that i catch later, so do tk the below cube-visualizations w big salt, or point out where i went wrong. i know there was *smth* i went "oh oops duh" abt...

rime boosted


fundamental theorem of calculus: "every function is the derivative of its integral"

(aka "a function is at every point equal to the rate at which its total sum up to that point grows", duh)

take f=x^2.

can visualize it as a square, x*x.

... darnit. bedtime. hmm.

so here: u can visualize f as a 2d curve, OR as the red dotted line through the cube below.

@niplav and the idea "why did you put zero there!?!!?" is from thinking "hmm, there are no absolute quantities; all quantities are relative, defined by smth else", and my hitherto-unsuccessfwl desire to replace the standard number-line with "deictic graphs" which go from 1/∞ to ∞. (no negative numbers or zero!)

@niplav the idea that "circles is j triangles" is sorta jokey, but sorta true! mostly untrue tho.

this note is fm last year. yes, i lurni basic calculus at the age of 31, don't judge me. i played games instead of school when i was younger.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one