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feeling oddly paternal while scrolling through twitter today

its a good feeling, i like it

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i want to cook a great big dinner for all of my internet friends

maybe even make it a potluck

reminder not to qt bad takes

let it by, do not interact

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wheres the List Of Tiresome Recurring Discourse Topics

i would like to add 'anon accounts should be banned'

cherry pecan sugar delivery mechanism

the revolutionary energy is thick in the air these days

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urshanabi boosted

holy shit I love this
RT @martino_vic
Evidentiality suffixes in Tariana, an Arawakan language spoken by 100 people in the state of Amazonas, Brazil

RT @postpostpostr
@eigenrobot however wrong the Rationalists are, the people they are arguing against are reliably more wrong
why do you think the site is called lesswrong

2x2, x axis unemployed <--> employed, y axis gainless <--> gainful

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Rich People: wHy dOn'T tHe pOoR jUsT iNvEsT tHeIr mOnEy
Poor People: Ok.
Rich People: ...
Rich People: wait stop

im running the first session of a new exalted campaign

maybe i should make some npcs real quick

or maybe not, since my players are going to be busy lighting the moon on fire, apparently

urshanabi boosted
so basically

(by yoloswagstudios on twitter and patreon)
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a Schelling point for those who seek one