The effect of voting is to shift polices half a voter on average from the median in your direction, and that's a real positive impact. It doesn't make all of your favourite policies come true (which can feel like it not working) because a bunch of other voters genuinely don't like your policies, which is obviously mistaken/terrible of them but it is what it is
@rip_imho we need fifty metrics, I support whatever they were on during the French revolution
🤔 I wonder if there's mastodon tumblr, character limits are silly and just stolen to be like Twitter imo, macroblogging that's also social media feels more like what I want from the internet
and if so is there some way I can move there and still have it interoperate with so I can talk to my friends there too
@aoife error 400 bad request
@faun Time-displaced artefact
*causally gets some fraction** of you to join on mastodon by showing you this tweet*
** as in Everett branches of individuals
@pee_zombie oh shit warlock stackexchange is down
Moved to @TetraspaceGrouping