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wonder what kind of wonders an olympic schelling point game team would get up to

probably they'd just memorise a pre-written list of schelling points, which would be lame D:

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oh yea speaking of schelling points they got two members of I think the GB olympic gymnastics team to play the schelling point game on TV. they weren't very good at it (one of the questions was "name a number" and one of them said 3, wtf, 3 isnt a schelling number, at least the other person said 1) but otoh they were just having fun rather than competetive schelling powergaming so sure

i've found that the effect of melatonin is that it makes all of my sleep slightly crappy, instead of before when some of my sleep was ok and some of my sleep was very crappy.

this is probably an improvement because nowadays I'm woken up by an alarm clock, probably wouldn't have been good under my ideal bachelor college life back in the good old days

I python'd for a bit more and I like weakly typed languages again now, so liberating to just be able to make a dictionary of whatever to whatever and running notebook cells out of order and overall just making a mess of everything instead of having to worry about whether your types match or whether your [incomprehensible JVM error message]

(happened in January so this isn’t new if you’ve already heard of it)

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the god of posts and her three archons, favoriting, boosting and replying

kinda bored does anyone wanna come to my house and help me make an egregore

jolkien rollkien tolkien made like a bunch of conglangs or something. andrew hussie invented a remixed version of the jungian archetypes as rpg classes

my insane person thing i will do as an author will be to write an actual full length in-universe grimoire that my magic using characters would use

fun fact: checks written to me pass the bechdel test and are also praxis

if my partner spent that sort of money on a ring that looked identical to thousands if not millions of other rings I would be incredibly, incredibly upset

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simply cannot wrap my head around spending $3k on an engagement ring, let alone *wanting* your partner to spend $3k on an engagement ring, let alone wanting your partner to spend MORE than $3k on an engagement ring

even $1k sounds fucking nuts to me. just... why. how. wtf.

Added a public key to my site, if you *really, really* wanted to write an email only I can see.
Rimworld mod that adds plushies
plushies make rooms comfy
(It’s just retextured art)

Chesterton's gatekeeper is required to refuse you entry, but only if you accept their authority to do so
RT @chaosprime
if you're chasing spiritual-leveling-up-whatever-the-fuck and very wise seeming people are telling you "dude, don't worry about it, just live a good life and help others live a good life", they're telling you that for incredibly good reasons and you absolutely should not listen

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a Schelling point for those who seek one