I've created a hypothes.is group called "Page Varmints", that will let us annotate any web page on the internet with our horrible comments.
Tasteweb would be like this for everyone, everywhere, all of the time, by default (with the obvious moderation problems mostly solved with webs of trust). So I'm hoping that if we run this experiment we'll find out whether that would be terrible.
You can join here: https://hypothes.is/groups/D6MapxZ5/page-varmints
via https://bathsheba.com/, ht @fubo@reddit.com (https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/rew07x/2021_holiday_gift_recommendations/hoacqo1/)
> Shipping to the UK is off right now due to VAT issues.
however however, they have a shapeways store 🧐!!
Moved to @TetraspaceGrouping