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i've spent the past 10 minutes cry-laughing at somebody saying "beans" and then banging the can down on a counter only the bang is hugely distorted and bass-boosted, if anybody's wondering how i'm doing

@TetraspaceGrouping in the physical realm scarcity is the norm and we fight for abundance, in the digital realm abundance is the norm and some fight for scarcity

i just found that i can press one button and instantly upgrade my parents' internet connection to 150mbit down / 30mbit up for just +0.60 EUR per month, and my backup upload ETA went down from 2 weeks to 2 days

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NFTs are scarcity only for people who explicitly want scarcity and are willing to sacrifice a lot of other things to get scarcity, everyone else can just non-rivalrously view and copy the data from the inherently public blockchain

A new _Spice and Wolf_ season where the duo get involved with crypt0currency, funded by selling lewd Holo NFTs.

we're seeing unprecedented je ne sais quoi levels

(00%) □□□□□□□□□□

on the plus side, most infohazard dissemination happens per discord now, so i'm safe for the time being

aoife tech tip: if you are overwhelmed with the task before you, consider pretending that you are a large corporation consisting of one person and write a bunch of documents directing your fellow employees (who are also you) on what to do. i don't know if this is effective but i am having fun and that's what matters

thinking of getting mad at antivaxxers but on the other hand there are much better guys i can make up to got mad at probably if i wanted to

If governments were to appear today, techbro would call them Legibilitify and they'd have a bootstrap website

*evil omori mari voice* all it costs is your hate >:D

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a Schelling point for those who seek one