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i know this conversation has probably been had before but that one wojak that's like a femboy whatever looks exactly like human karkat

I am a microplastic connoisseur, I am a xenoestrogen cocktail sommelier

Top Google results for [anonymous EA criticism]

Similar to what I was imagining, though I'd post them in a more linkable-to place so you could tell your friends to fix specific issues

arikr in 2019

Also related, though the authors chose who to ask and who they were asking wasn't anonymous to them

Rob Bensinger in 2017

80,000 hours in 2020

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"told us in private that they were concerned that any critique of central figures in EA would result in an inability to secure funding from EA sources, such as OpenPhilanthropy" ( like my reaction is that this is stupid equilibrium to be in, also I'm not looking for Open Philanthropy funding so though I'm not like high status and don't want to be some sort of community Confessional I could totally do anything at all about this maybe

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Hm wonder if it would be worth setting up an anonymous (including to me) box for criticisms or praise of EA as a minor public service. Like if for some reason people want tetraspace to post it in quotes instead of posting them themselves

Year progress: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100.0%

Guy who is not a sentient human, just a bundle of atoms for you to route around to achieve your goal. If you can't map out its deterministic I/O to push it around into the right configurations, that's on you, because there's no other person to blame

@pee_zombie I am going to be a titanic web of diamond, floating somewhere in the dipole repeller

woo yeah the flood of metaculus questions that all resolve at the end of the year begins

it's beddy bye my liege

it's freaking nap time your majesty

what if we kissed 😳 and we were both UI elements on a flexible responsive layout 😳 and then container width was too small

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a Schelling point for those who seek one