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@TetraspaceGrouping > they could have used conditional prediction markets to find this out

seems to me that clearly sanctions on russia weren't enough because if they were russia would have predicted that and decided to not

alas in the direction of harsher you just get "let's do cathartic things that continue to not actually work" probably idk nobody anywhere seems competent ever

The niplavistani government is currently taking a nap, and unable to make any statements about worldly affairs

🤔 Maybe I'll learn some real video editing and gun for one to be featured in the livestream itself... though this is less likely to happen

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I think next year I'll make a video for every single one the EAs are coordinating on, I don't think there's any reason why not to

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you can see by the timestamps that over time i was getting better at actually getting to the point lol

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decided to be an overachiever and make four project for awesome videos because they're like $1k a pop why not

one thing niplav culture started doing very early was to group niplavs into group of 2-4 people who would form a worker/research unit (friendship encouraged, but romance discouraged). because of high agreeability, these units can be *very* stable, and are especially useful in trying to understand & solve difficult problems, often by one niplav being the babble and the other being the prune. this also has the advantage that for a niplav, intellectual work is around three times as fun together

Despite close connection in spirit [Chapin 2022, Cammarata 2021, Sotala 2019], few scholars have investigated the relation between microblogging and ancient buddhist scripture, especially the Tipitaka. However, multiple connections arise, for example the four brahmaviharas (the divine abodes) [Sujiva 2003, Buddhaghosa 500] and certain quaternionic spaces (or “tetraspaces”) [Minkowski 1908, Hamilton 1843, holomanga 2019], pointing at interesting connections between fourfold symmetries and benevol

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Spore civilization stage but with fedi instances

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a Schelling point for those who seek one