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wonder what the metaphysical implications of losing my dnd character's sheet and then restoring it approximately from memory are


Metaculus headquarters, a quiet afternoon. People clicking on their keyboards, muffled voices from the conference room.

The door suddenly opens, and through storms Niplav Yushtun in full uniform.

Niplav (holding up a sheet of paper with “LTFF” hand-written on it, briskly): "I'm here in the name of The Fund. Let's make this quick, you give me your data, no questions asked, and I'm gone in two minutes. Wouldn't want to update anyones posterior out the window, would I."

WTF. WTF wtf.

Just got an email from LTFF they want to give me $2000 for my ACX grant proposal on Range and Forecasting Accuracy

Shut up brain, maybe I do deserve this

But this is going to be difficult time-wise


Redistribution of gains proposal:
- Add a default visa, available to everyone no questions asked, that lets them work live etc. indefinitely but requires a tax of X% of their income above median income in home country

Then set X so >50% of people support proposal and all immigration that is believed to be net good for citizens and immigrants will happen

solution to vibecamp-fomo: spend all your time on® instead

let me be perfectly clear. aoife is the emperor palpatine

Pareto improvement proposal:
- Russia pays Ukraine $100bn
- LPR and DPR become independent
- Ukraine calls a new election in which Russian citizens are treated as Ukrainian for the purposes of campaigning/financing

This is better for Ukraine because before they would get all the bad things + a bunch of their stuff blown up and now they get $100bn

This is better for Russia because before they still spent $100bn on military stuff but also they got sanctioned and had their stuff blown up

maybe the good guys use brick or wood idk what standard peasant contruction would be like but i like the idea that they just discovered roman concrete and ran with it for the rest of history and modernity

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in tetratopian genre-tropey fantasy fiction, the villain cities are bright crystal spires to show off how decadent and extractive their pseudo-aristocrats are, whereas the good guy cities are rows of concrete apartments to show off how much thought theyve put into designing optimal tileable living spaces

(in scifi, it inverts, because everyone is super rich so they can afford spire pods without that causing issues)

The first two things that people usually say when they step out of the plane at the central niplavistan airport are “Why is everyone dressed the same way” and “Why does everything look like it's built to withstand a nuclear—no, wait, let me rephrase, why *is* everything here built to as if to withstand a nuclear strike?”

between the whole high heels weird stuff going on with hair appearing in dreams and everything else I think that Cosmicandy Girl might be an erogamer

the problem with cosmicandy girl is the first time i listed to it i had a religious experience but the second through infinitieth times its just a really good song

Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tetraspace, Rotator in Symmetry; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Niplav, the Frozen One; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one