@Klangable eek.
This is still written, prompted and curated by a human though.
Oh. my. god.
Madison Square Garden used facial recognition to identify and stop a mom from attending a Christmas show with her kid because she's an attorney at a firm who is engaged in litigation with them.
This is why it's not enough to just ban government and law enforcement use of #facialrecognition. There are so many ways private companies and even individuals can abuse #biometric #surveillance tech.
#BanFacialRecognition entirely. Yesterday.
I have to admit, it' a pretty nice little community we've got going here.
The local timeline is pretty nice to browse.
@ciphergoth I think one of the other server types supports it. Pleroma, maybe?
I wonder how hard it would be to add to the Mastodon frontend of your choice, and if it needs server support.
@zebrask I was going to ask if you could do Baptists vs Methodists. (I sure couldn't, at least without checking Wikipedia of something.)
@cypher the problem I am trying to point to is that the resolution criteria becomes a mix of the question itself and political influence.
If you can have a reliably uninfluencable decider, then it's not a problem, but those are thin on the ground.
@thomasfuchs I'm not sure this analogy is actually analogous.
Especially given how many left-wing bluechecks there are.
I expect more vanilla Democrats will pay for $8 check marks than vanilla Republicans and 4chan shitposters combined.
@JessTheUnstill there was chatter a few weeks ago about blocking mastodon.social (for insufficient moderation,) so balkanization into multiple unconnected networks is also a possibility.
Like IRC did, IIRC.
@rickyflows nobody expects HTML entities.
Their main weapon is surprise and fear. Their two main weapons...
@AbstractFairy @panchromaticity
She's the new CEO of Twitter.
@AbstractFairy I suspect men and women just get different shit projected on them, not none/all.
@rickyflows I'm using Tusky right now.
I tried Fedilab and that was okay, but I didn't like the threading view. (But you might.)
@dedicating_ruckus there are a handful of multiprotocol clients.
Andstatus and Twitlatte show up, but I haven't tried either.
@AbstractFairy * waves *