@pee_zombie i see you liking my toots and not tooting back. your favorites cannot and will not add up to good reply game, sir.

@ajvermillion effectively, these are actually the same.

"You have two choices: join the heroes, or die."

is not very different from:

"You have two choices: join us and we will save you, or die"

@WHALEINFO btw where is your anonymous feedback form, I would like to anonymously speak to your heroics, strength, beauty, and virtue

@AbstractFairy this is a bit unfair though, I'm still very committed to the blogosphere, which I think is a beautiful and alive ecosystem. I just want it to exist in NYC, as well.

@AbstractFairy a house of wisdom where you can't commune over the lunch table is no house of wisdom

@AbstractFairy reorganizing society already successful over here -- I'm living in community with people who will be my "tribe" as we raise kids. Which is awesome, that was my last major radical change.

Career alignment will probably come in the next 4 weeks or something, so I'm not too concerned.

I don't agree re: blogging because I'm too social-design pilled. It feels impossible to re-create a society online, physical environments are just TOO important.

@AbstractFairy I think I would join a university of weird nerds. I'd join the modern equivalent of the Baghdad House of Wisdom.

The main problem is that I don't think that institution exists yet, so hope I could figure out the logistics there.

The other major one is having kids, which I would do right away if I knew what I wanted to do for money. I'm in a good career position, but not sure who I want to work with/for..

@ciphergoth I disagree, my AI safety friends are definitely suggesting that the only seat on the space ship out is to work on AI Safety, or some other pre-supposed "cause area which matters"

The destruction of all personal meaning outside of THE APOCALYPSE is the horrifying part of Apocalypse Cults, and def applies in this case, no?

@dfilan love this list, but also some of the major weeb films go so hard.

Evangelion 3.0 + 1.01 SLAPS, and same w/ Gurren Laggan, and Perfect Blue

what RADICAL CHANGE to your life do you wish you could initiate, if only you knew how to figure out the logistics?

@AbstractFairy twitter.com/AbstractFairy/stat

Love this one. I've had some insanely clarifying experiences about what "the self" is and what my senses are etc on LSD as well -- thank you for sharing, it's a great thread!

@WHALEINFO tell me you're a rationalist without telling me you're a rationalist

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a Schelling point for those who seek one