apologies for our brief outage! it was caused by an attempted DNS updated which resulted in a misconfiguration; I'll be reviewing our practices to ensure this doesn't happen again.

we're mostly recovered, still a few small issues here and there but we can expect normal operation from here on out. still working on it, lmk if you run into any issues.

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@WomanCorn @jai sorry for the trouble, this is part of the ongoing incident; I've identified the cause and am still in the remediation process. this is specifically caused by missing "preview cards", which need to be migrated


update: seems that masto is unhappy with migrating storage providers w/o copying over all files, so, doing so now. expect this to take hours, but in the meantime, images are gradually beginning to load again. apologies for the inconvenience, please bear with these growing pains as I mature our operations.

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quick update, still investigating, there's something weird going on with the nginx media proxy. switched from a Wasabi backend to S3 to simplify the setup and eliminate some variables. will keep y'all posted on developments.

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we're back up, but experiencing an issue loading media; as a result, no avatars or images will show for now. I am actively investigating!

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schelling.pt will be going down for maintenance in 15 mins at 12:45 PM EST for at most 15minutes, until no later than 1:00 PM EST

during this time, I will be upgrading to a larger server, doubling RAM from 4gb to 8gb, as we've been cutting it close for a while.

apologies for the inconvenience, working to make the best experience for all y'all

feel free to contanct @pee_zombie on Twitter during the downtime if you need anything



you may have noticed we are having short intermittent outages; we're experiencing minor scaling issues. if these keep happening, I will scale the server up ASAP to remediate. please LMK if you experience any more!

welcome new schelling point convergers! glad to see so many new "faces", hope you enjoy your stay.

i'm your local admin, when speaking in "admin voice" I use @locus, but feel free to direct any questions you have at either handle.

i'll be putting up some official rules and more guidelines soon, please feel free to provide input or feedback towards this end. i want this instance to be a collaborative project!

more coming soon, stay tuned! and make sure you're following @locus

@dagon @pee_zombie hm nothing I'm aware of! don't see any unusual errors or metric activity. you don't see it on any client?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one