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@alexthecamel I still find it funny that the academic name is "idiosyncracy credits"[1]. Increasingly verbose meme.


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@vriska Number of pillows on your bed

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@vriska Number of blankets on your bed

@vriska Number of pillows on your bed

@vriska Number of blankets on your bed

how many metaculus questions resolved on technicalities?

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Even as dumb as they are, current LLMs do have some extremely limited emergent general intelligence capabilities.

The comparison to parrots is apt, because parrots are (generally) intelligent too. Don't knock parrots just because they aren't humans (and the parrots are currently smarter than our best AIs).

We also (as far as I'm aware) haven't found the limits of current approaches. We really don't know what's going to happen.

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@p I don't know how to answer "finding local optima for problems like how to get food". My question was underspecified but that's okay it's only a fediverse poll.

@p Or in creating rocket propulsion systems, how much more efficient can the optimum be?

@p All of humanity. E.g. in creating superconductors at atmospheric pressure, what's the highest temperature that they can exist at?

In general, how good are humans at solving problems compared to the theoretical optimum?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one