I'm travelling to the US for vibecamp and I have some time to travel around before and after. But I don't really know what I want to do or where to stay.

A big part of this feels connected to the fact I don't know what I like doing. Part of me hopes that being in a different city by myself will force me to figure out and act on what I actually enjoy doing. But maybe not. E.g. it might be harder to find events/groups that I like.

One thing I know I enjoy doing is having good conversations with people. But I don't know enough people in any one US city for that to influence things (maybe SF?). Maybe I should wait until I know more people, e.g. having calls with Twitter mutuals?

Another thing is that I might want to move overseas at some point (for EA reasons). It feels worthwhile visiting the cities to know whether I like living in the area...

...but honestly I don't think I pay a lot of attention to that kind of stuff. I feel like I barely notice the difference between living in Sydney and Melbourne (though that may be because they're actually basically the same). And don't really care when travelling overseas.

And final secret thing is that I feel stuck and directionless and I feel like going overseas will help. Just get me out of my current context. But that doesn't feel very strategic. And it's not clear that this will actually help.

Part of this is that I believe it's valuable for me to figure out where I'm heading with my life. I'm implicitly disagreeing that the model of happiness which is like "make sure you have good friends, good enough job, fun hobbies" is sufficient for me to feel satisfied.

It also assumes that seeing other "ways of being" will help figure out which direction resonates. But it's not clear how to do that, and especially how to do that in <2 weeks.

I think overall this whole thing is pushing me to "just stay in New York, it is a nice (albeit expensive) default, and just follow your heart even if it says to just stay at home and read all day".

I might try to find people at vibecamp or on Twitter in NYC too, but that's bonus


@tortle there's tons of us in NYC and we regularly hang! if you come thru lmk and i'll help you get connected

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