RT @binarybits
This is a remarkable level of dishonesty from the Times. Scott Alexander once expressed agreement with Charles Murray on a topic unrelated to race and IQ. The Times wrote a paragraph strongly implying Alexander endorsed Murray's views on race and IQ. https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/statement-on-new-york-times-article
@lolitsnotreal_ why is that? At least the first one seemed to be making a fair point for me. What do you think about the article? (I think it's dangerous crap)
RT @BellaRudd1
@CadeMetz a limerick:
'scott wrote about murray i hear
this makes him a racist it's clear!
and not just him, heck,
all people in tech!
our narrative isn't a smear!'
@pee_zombie yeah the thing is 🤦♂️
RT @zackkanter
I love this. Schools are finally looking like the prisons they are. Making it explicit is a huge step in the right direction. https://twitter.com/donkamion78/status/1359997999825494017
🤢 Von 2022 an müssen Autos Daten etwa zum Sprit- und Stromverbrauch gebündelt an die #EU Kommission senden, "gläsern sollen die Fahrer aber nicht werden". Die "Bundesregierung will Fahrgestellnummer raushalten"
=> Klar. Das machts viel besser
Woher kommt dieser Wunsch nach einer Komplettüberwachung? #1984
@openscience ... aber warum?! O_O
Die EU überrascht mich. Datenschutz ist dann plötzlich völlig egal, obwohl die Corona-App deswegen stark eingeschränkt wurde und man nicht mehr in Ruhe im Netz surfen kann? Wie ist es denn damit nun?
My god. People are so weird!
RT @nosilverv
You been on wallstreetbets? cool, cool, we'll pay you 200k a year to meme with us
new dream job just dropped
RT @nosilverv
You been on wallstreetbets? cool, cool, we'll pay you 200k a year to meme with us
music style: teslacore. https://youtu.be/MiHGDYeMAAU
@lolitsnotreal_ Does he mean structurALISM or structure? (Seems to matter 😏)
@chemelia also french!