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RT @chamath
@DavidSacks Fuck you fucker. Like that?!?!

RT @bdomenech
So @amazon announcing that it will no longer sell books with "material we deem inappropriate or offensive" makes me wonder if they'll start with The Bible, The Koran, or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Many blockchain supporters are incredibly optimistic and imaginative.

You can tell by their enthusiasm for projects that are mere descriptions and promises, unable to be actually used for any of the purported purposes.

My Twitter/Instapaper workflow:
1. Someone shares a link on Twitter. Open the thing.
2. Go into the address bar & manually remove the silly "?s=09" thing at the end
3. Save to instapaper.

If you skip 2, the damn thing gives a 404. wtf?!

RT @Visualmapper
Over the past year I’ve willingly traveled down the rabbit hole of PKM. Using multiple apps & software opened exciting options for managing linked thought processes. The realization? I believe what was experiencing is merely a precursor to the standardization of a new form of OS

I call it Alexandrian post-truth class populism, or

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Unboxing my new political ideology. Will try it out over the coming weeks. Review pending.

Elon Tusk boosted
Elon Tusk boosted

Today's gender is the sound of a party in another room.

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RT @visakanv
every single one of these things should be treated with the same respect and reverence we give any prestigious "thought leader". And I don't mean this in a "humor the children" way. I mean that they have important and valuable perspectives to contribute

Elon Tusk boosted

After a tearful
farewell, Mama and Lily
plummet off the cliff

RT @JessPish
8 yo was asked to sign a contract to agree to class rules at school. She said to the teacher, "It's not a valid contract if I don't have a choice."

Your most important professional skill: not being depressed.

Elon Tusk boosted
Elon Tusk boosted

Hello! This is a project account for #MoaParty, an open source tool for cross posting between #twitter, #mastodon, and other systems.

@flancian, @vera, and @bmann are a squad working on hosting and maintaining it as a public utility, as well as adding new features, like support for [[wikilinks]] directly into your #secondbrain via git.

The home base is currently GitLab to get involved, where you'll also find a link to the Matrix chat room.


RT @jongold
ok, so onto rephrasing what I said

the technology industry we have is not working. the model of centralized companies owning & profiting off of user data while keeping it in silos engineered to be anti-competitive is not working. we need alternatives

RT @metasdl
I need to do a mini lit review this week and wondering what it would be like if Open Science expanded to include Open Notes (via Hypothesis). It'd save days of reading.

How can we create a culture of organizing annotations and sharing them in a structured way?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one