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RT @jessesingal
Left is the New York Times' description of the Google Memo in its piece on Slate Star Codex. Right are some direct quotes from the version of the memo Gizmodo published. I don't understand how someone could get this so wrong in 2021, but it obviously warrants correction.

RT @binarybits
This is a remarkable level of dishonesty from the Times. Scott Alexander once expressed agreement with Charles Murray on a topic unrelated to race and IQ. The Times wrote a paragraph strongly implying Alexander endorsed Murray's views on race and IQ.

RT @AnonaGotta
@rowntreerob @CadeMetz Yeah doxxing a psychiatrist is exactly the job of the nyt. Specifically when they fear their political influence waning from competing writers.

Read the rest of the comments on this article to see how many share your view.

RT @BellaRudd1
@CadeMetz a limerick:

'scott wrote about murray i hear
this makes him a racist it's clear!
and not just him, heck,
all people in tech!
our narrative isn't a smear!'

I remember a time when the @nytimes was regarded as one of the best international media, rather than a hyperwoke propaganda moloch of death.

When did this change?

Elon Tusk boosted

the NYT SSC article is both basically exactly what was expected, rather disappointingly. it skirts around saying anything of substance, preferring to maintain a veneer of objectivity & fairness, while making its real point in a rather Straussian way

RT @zackkanter
I love this. Schools are finally looking like the prisons they are. Making it explicit is a huge step in the right direction.

RT @joshmnicholson
This might be hyperbole but can you imagine if Google actually gave a shit about Google Scholar?

Elon Tusk boosted

#Pkw #Verbrauchsdaten

🤢 Von 2022 an müssen Autos Daten etwa zum Sprit- und Stromverbrauch gebündelt an die #EU Kommission senden, "gläsern sollen die Fahrer aber nicht werden". Die "Bundesregierung will Fahrgestellnummer raushalten"

=> Klar. Das machts viel besser

Woher kommt dieser Wunsch nach einer Komplettüberwachung? #1984

My god. People are so weird!
RT @nosilverv
You been on wallstreetbets? cool, cool, we'll pay you 200k a year to meme with us

Elon Tusk boosted

new dream job just dropped
RT @nosilverv
You been on wallstreetbets? cool, cool, we'll pay you 200k a year to meme with us

So confused about @rem_note: They built an incredible PKM system and the only use case they're selling is for students to memorize stuff for exams.

(b/c that's the only time when you need to memorize stuff.)

Elon Tusk boosted

RT @playboyriots
@hermajustea hope they d*e i hate all of them .

RT @hermajustea
they really think white men are the solution

Elon Tusk boosted
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a Schelling point for those who seek one