
feels like a lot of people dont know how to deal with multiple things being bad at the same time

"how dare you worry about <bad thing> when <worse thing> is happening" is always an option, especially since what counts as worse varies by person

this might actually just be strategic, people trying to shut down conversations about problems that benefit them

wait a minute ive reinvented whataboutism havent i

but theres another thing where people can juggle so many things at once, and showing them another Bad Thing They Must Pay Attention To can cause them to stop being able to juggle everything

@urshanabi It's definitely cold-hearted strategy sometimes (often when used against feminism, for some reason), but most of the time it feels like a form of oneupsmanship ("You think your day was bad?! Well I...") caused by an identification of our pet issues with our own personal issues

@urshanabi corollary: when people insist that your posts are a representative sample of your views as a whole. weirdly enough they mostly only take issue with this when I talk about an aspect of a political issue they think isn't as important as other aspects, and they declare that I only care about that aspect.

thing is, my posts as a whole are like 99% shitposts about catboys, but they never take this to mean I only care about catboys. it annoys me when people selectively apply their logic.

@pareinoia hello mr monkey paw i wish that people could debate politics in a civilized and reasonable manner where they just state their real beliefs

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