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urshanabi boosted

give your muscles some love

they work so hard for you

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despite having 15x more twitter followers than fediverse followers, i get more interaction on fediverse than twitter


this is a reminder to talk to your grandparents before its too late

they (probably) miss you and would love to talk

urshanabi boosted

Been thinking about the standard scam mechanic - open with a call that only the naive and overtrusting will answer, then exploit the mark’s trust to siphon their money away to you.

I think there are similar patterns that select the overly thoughtful and conscientious to suck away their time and energy - recommending that someone put together a bureaucratic task force to address an issue they find urgent, for example.

referring to the fannie farmer cookbook as "an ancient tome of unspeakable power"

im starting up a new exalted campaign & i need two more players, dm me if youre interested

wait a minute ive reinvented whataboutism havent i

but theres another thing where people can juggle so many things at once, and showing them another Bad Thing They Must Pay Attention To can cause them to stop being able to juggle everything

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breaking news: local man bakes pie

witness reports silence around the dinner table, as the family was too busy eating to talk

i wonder if i can get away with saying i have an ethical objection to using punctuation

normal people motivational speeches: "alright i know this is going to be tough but if we work together and do our best, well get this done and have time to go out for drinks"

motivational speeches that work on me: "the task is futile and we may never succeed. let us speak of the horrors that we will encounter. today, we spit in the eye of god, may we will survive"

feels like a lot of people dont know how to deal with multiple things being bad at the same time

"how dare you worry about <bad thing> when <worse thing> is happening" is always an option, especially since what counts as worse varies by person

this might actually just be strategic, people trying to shut down conversations about problems that benefit them

had a nightmare last night that eggs were legally mandated to be hard-boiled before being sold

i was desperately trying to find a raw egg that i could use to bake a pie, and furiously explaining to a salesperson that hard-boiled didnt work

i dont even use eggs in pies

does anyone know why no images are loading? posted or profile

im currently on tusky


a Schelling point for those who seek one