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dudes, what is the latest example of you Rocking?

jesus the first page of ddg results is half talking about white supremacy and how terrible the racist accelerationists are

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god damn it am i gonna have to read nick land to figure out what accelerationism is
RT @imhinesmi
pondering my increasing extremism

ive always been partial to people with principled objections to the status quo, but im leaning more and more in the direction of bitfd

i dont think destroying the system will make things better, mind

writing down "wall street but in hell" on my list of dnd ideas

RT @_metallurgist
can't afford an expensive soul but still want to get in on the action? want to hedge your soul bets in the face of an uncertain spiritual market? fear not: i am preparing an entire suite of incorporeal derivatives for your heavenly portfolio

RT @PrinceVogel
@michael_nielsen When I move close to speaking things not just important to me, but essential, it as if something dead chokes my throat. The words that are easiest for me are those that I care about least - and this is something I see in the lives of my peers, too.

man is born fucking around and everywhere he is finding out

this is a reminder that i would love to pet nearly every single critter you post on my timeline

yes this includes humans

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the complete list of animal i would not pet:

-animals that do not want to be pet
-animals that are dangerous to pet

/three/ footworks and noxious fumes lmao

probably the dumbest build since i had a shuriken, a kunai, and a pile of blade dances

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not pictured: the blur i would need to keep all that block

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wishing all of my kings and queens a good weekend

mom: "ian this is really good you gotta write down the recipe so we can eat it again"

me, having measured precisely nothing and not remembering what spices i used:

im here to chew bubblegum and inflict psychic damage and im out of bubblegum


it has been one month since i got my new job, and IT just built a mostly functional development environment

due to Exciting Legal Reasons (tm) i cannot look at the code i am supposed to be working on

i have been paid for four weeks of "reading documentation"

maybe someday i will work in a functional workplace, but today is not that day

hmm i bet when honey is filtered (and then cut with hfcs) so that it looks nice for store shelves it loses its magic

some quick searches confirm my suspicion

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a Schelling point for those who seek one