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if you have an appliance that someone doesn’t that’s because years of failed economic and social policy has lead to Dickensian poverty, a dire warning for all good statesmen to heed

if someone has an appliance that you don’t that’s sheer decadence borne of sumptuary demands, a fool living in beleaguered aristocracy rather than simple and pleasant humility

madokas magica by alignment

homura - lesswronger

kyoko - postrat

sayaka - normal

madoka - psychedelics activist

mami - made an account at the urging of the others with the name Goblin King or something and makes refreshingly sincere posts once a month.

bebe - woodspooned someone from mami’s account and briefly became a viral sensation

kyubey - bluecheck

if i was hero after the good ending of omori i would simply hug sunny


seems like we haven't had images load for a bit over a week; apologies for taking so long to address this. the cause was that the SSL cert for the object storage domain (files had expired, as I had forgotten to renew it at the same time as the primary cert for the root domain. I've resolved the issue & will try to find time to automate the cert renewal so that we don't face this issue again

major thanks to @WomanCorn and @TetraspaceGrouping for pointing this out!

wondering about whether the popular perception of upward mobility being an impossible cruel joke may stem from the rise in individualism. historically its taken whole generations to move up & the family did it together; mb expecting this of individuals contributes to resentment?

I feel like the world's governments learned an exceptionally poor lesson from the global financial crisis of 2008:

"We must ensure that the cost of housing always rises faster than wages, or there will be global economic ruin"

I don't think they've thought ahead to what lies at the end of the road that they think is avoiding ruin.

i remember having an old dream where they made metal stuff by doing some shit like, there was a hard light projector but hard light was really weak so they just used it to prop up this kind of spray foam metal on top of the projected shape :comfyaww:

"vaccines are ineffective" is a psyop by the liberal media in order to get people to remain unvaccinated justifying eternal lockdowns as part of their great reset project 2030 gates

what's the deal with, like it's a tiny amount of free money but only if you do the weird ritual of typing smile before the URL, what do they gain from doing it like this

is it like PR for donations is nonlinear but cost is linear so by making it trivially inconvenient to use they cut costs massively while keeping almost the same PR ??

Sweet, Moa bridge handles threads correctly now (I think), check out and how it comes after the SECOND post in the thread rather than the first one like it would have previously

Now I can literally just use like 500 character twitter, perfect

(The Schelling point game: Each team is a pair of people. The host names a set (eg fruits, Oxford colleges, numbers, blogs, philosophers, locations and times in New York City), and the people in each pair get a point if they both name the same member of that set (the Schelling point) without discussing it)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one