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To do:

Read more books; read less Twitter.

Watch more anime; watch less YouTube.

Just opening a space called <Be Racist Here> and letting it deteriorate.

see by talking about it like this i can be pleasantly surprised when they deploy some janky sentiment toxicity analysis tool and it's only a little bit perverse

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we hear and understand your concerns re: nazis. from now on, all replies about either nations or socialism will be automatically hidden

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twitter should ban the bad people but in a completely ass backwards way like maybe do some lexical analysis that finds that TERF tweets contain the mystery 5-gram "trans" much more frequently than this English text corpus and therefore require phone verification for any account that has it in their bio. as always i think that this would improve nothing and make everyone mad far no reason

Thinking about the 80k episode to recommend to Cinderella Sheen

Good people going to anthropic heaven since more of them exist in worlds where human nature in more inclined towards good than average

how do I have 1.9k toots lmao have I really been using mastodon that much

I guess for a lot of that time I was crossposting over from twitter

posting this because I knew there was a program that could easily do it but I didn't know what that program was (its autohotkey, using the linked script)

Show thread doing this so that I can type esperanto special characters on my english DVORAK keyboard

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a Schelling point for those who seek one