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me: i wish to... uh, hold on, is this like a do what i mean thing, like the wish isn't going to randomly screw me over and turn the world into paperclips

kyubey: :3 your wish will not turn the world into paperclips

I should learn more economics to increase my misanthropy levels to max power


framing / intuition device that makes you think on the margin. like maybe:

An alien cames to earth and, while it can't do much due to intergalactic law, offers a bar of gold-pressed latinum (worth $1,000,000) to further humanity's development. What does the alien spend it on?

hm thinking of tetratopian history

specifically i need an order of warrior-monks who take all the drugs and use all the mental tech and dye their hair white and have pink contact lenses and call themselves idk Quattrorums or something

not because they're rationalists - rationalism is natural, it occurs wherever there are aristocrats to set up the incentive structures - but because they want to have a fun time

this mortal vessel i find myself in cannot contain this much desire to read

hey man. me and my wizard friend saw you from over here and it you look like you have a lustrous orb. very ponderable. wondering if you would be interested in

prosaic alignment, corrigibilty, interpretable NNs, agent foundations, restricting AGI research, alignable AGI paradigms, do it all

RT @mcclure111
There are few betrayals that feel more complete than when you post a smiley :3 and after hitting send the software transforms it into an icon that has a subtly different emotional nuance

Modulo how offsets might not be a good idea because either way you get a higher consequentialist score for just doing whatever's best anyway [I did not count my climate offsets for this year against my consequentialist 10% for this reason] and animal offsets are even less pan-ethical than eg climate offsets because carbon is fungible and animal lives might not be

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Wonder what the deontological yearly animal offsets are

UK per capita meat consumption is 32 kg poultry, 25 kg pork, 18 kg beef, 4 kg mutton, 1 kg other land animals (, 20 kg fish (, for a total of 32*-40 + 25*-30 + 18*2 + ~5*-20(?) + ~20*-100(?) = ~4000 welfare points ( per year, ~5000 per non-vegan adult.

1 chicken life = 2 kg chicken = -80 welfare points, so saving 60 chickens offsets this. £60/yr to ACE top charities?

the EA donor lottery for example works for more newtonian reasons but it also works because it's concentrating my wealth into a smaller measure of possible timelines, so more good is being done by me across the whole multiverse

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this reminded me of a joke website idea I had a while ago, where, if vivaldi's four seasons were to be stretched out across an entire year, which note would be playing

subjectively seems like more charities are talking about giving tuesday this year compared to the last one, wonder if there are stats on the matter

here's my fashion advice that i'd like to catch on

1) everyone is too pretty, please be uglier
2) bring robes back

toki pona challenge! crush this rock with your bare hands

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a Schelling point for those who seek one