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wordcel and rotator are but two sides of the same coin

words are fuzzy manifolds in conceptual space and hence can be rotated
shapes can be represented as constructions of logical statements

there is a wordcel in the rotator and a rotator in the wordcel

the Tao-roon macroon

*inhale, exhale* "okay, instead of yelling about some twitter dumbfuck, let's go back to the textbook

the year is 2026. the new culture war issue for the republican party is trying to get recognized as a hate group. tucker carlson uses his segment to talk about how great pleroma is

exhaustive list of people on here i think are hot 

me ;)

john egbert is trans in the exact same way that dumbledore is gay

I've created a group called "Page Varmints", that will let us annotate any web page on the internet with our horrible comments.

Tasteweb would be like this for everyone, everywhere, all of the time, by default (with the obvious moderation problems mostly solved with webs of trust). So I'm hoping that if we run this experiment we'll find out whether that would be terrible.

You can join here:

BREAKING: Joe Biden appoints creature to be in charge of egg nog distribution

aligning an AI by setting all outputs to the same value trivally makes it safe but that would be isomorphic to not making capable AI at all which is a good idea let's do that until we have a way to make capable aligned AI

Also previous dream same night I was trying to come up with Terra Ignota Humanist cosplay, my final idea was basically this but it says Esperanza 2454 and six rings

Had a dream where Tom Bombadil was real and he was offering COVID vaccinations

EA has ~$50b. Would that be enough to buy Deepmind and OpenAI?

>Claims that a coffee machine is the archetypal state machine

>Refuses to elaborate


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a Schelling point for those who seek one