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the way to attain mastery is to relinquish control

the way to not be a creep is to flirt playfully, without intentions

the way to be playful is to meet all your own needs so that you're not asking things of others

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if your aim in a situation is to just vibe & respond naturally, go w/ the flow, you project that energy out & people pick up on it; this is playful non-extractive flirting

but if your aim is actively to get something from others, be it sex or validation, this tarnishes your vibe

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it's the great cosmic joke, that we work so hard to make ourselves be a certain way, in the process making it impossible; we never truly have control of ourselves, but by letting go of our need to impose it, we become able to accomplish that which we couldn't consciously.

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to transcend your perceived limitations you must first release yourself form your self-imposed obligation to do so. like a watched pot, a constantly surveilled self will never be natural; and, naturalness is the ultimate goal, the one ironically, being striven for

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the real killer here is too much self-awareness. when one can't stop examining themselves in every situation, worrying about how they're coming off, trying to design every little movement in advance; this is a form of narcissism, altho a relatively benign one.

no one cares.
RT @Virtual1nstinct
The virgin being careful with flirting bc omg what if u creep them out vs the Chad flirt with everyone because it's fun

what if I told you the former is caused by the latter
RT @interpretantion
you're not trapped in a wasteland of postmodern nostalgia devoid of any possible originality you're just lazy

calcifying once you've solved life is a tradeoff; you lose your ability to respond to new situations in favor of lower energy requirements, and more free attention for recreation. this is a form of overfitting, however, and is unwise, in a tumultuous world. keep some optionality.

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this strategy works well in situations like "golden ages" where there truly is less turbulence, or if you're insulated from the same by some buffer, such as assets or a guardian. otherwise, people like this end up experiencing future shock; the world didn't pause when they did

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once you've solved life, you can just zone out

QT 🔒:
people say "time goes faster when you're older", and there's some decent truth to it, but I've heard a good counter argument, and I buy it:

time goes slowly when there's novelty, and quickly when there's not

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many people do the same; they search for their economic niche, a mate, a place to settle down, and then once this is achieved, their brains sort of calcify, as there is no longer any real need for conscious contemplation. from an evolutionary standpoint, it would be inefficient.

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I am oft reminded of the comparison between a tenured professor and a sea cucumber; the latter swims around, avoiding predators, searching for a good spot on which to anchor. once it finds one such, it attaches and promptly ejects its brain, no longer having any need for it.
RT @DavidSHolz
We so easily get caught in loops where time melts away. Life in the loop is easy, unconscious. Life outside the loop is startling and unreal. We …

an sure others think about this sort of thing, I see mentions; but I don't want to just randomly move to some town with some Twitter anons. that's not nearly enough on its own. how would one plan an intentional society to guard against common failure modes, while providing value?

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hell you could even build a private cryptoeconomy to insulate against external volatility

operate your own infrastructure to hedge against censorship/DoS

effectively this approaches Snow Crash virtual citizenship, which I've long believed is the right model for many things

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all sorts of services could be made available for members, in ways only possible in a high trust environment

private conflict mediation & arbitration ("hey robot, who is right")

status-compensated expert consultation ("hey ingroup who can help me with <niche>?")

& much more

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upon passing the gate and gaining admission, you'd be able to harness your social standing to obtain relocation financing, matching your physical social graph to your virtual, unlocking further synergies

said financing would be backed by your status and future on your salary

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this sort of structure would unlock so much social capital currently locked up in nonfungible organic relationships, which, while nice, are not anything close to the global maxima social state

imagine a postrat society with a credit union & distributed gated community franchise

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it's so tedious that the activation energy barrier for real world changes is so high, primarily due to the illiquid nature of social capital in a low-trust society

would be so much more convenient to form a high trust community with strict gatekeeping and member financing

I wonder if this effect influences the types of relationships that form in various venues, such as colleges and raves

also churches, which actively seek to encourage contemplation, which surfaces the superego, done properly

are we missing a cultural practice for this?

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when you meet/interact with someone early on with the involvement of certain types of drugs, you're meeting a very different version of them than their typical self

in certain situations, this can lead to your superegos meeting each other much earlier than would otherwise happen

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I wonder sometimes, if I've ever met certain people's conscious, top level selves, or just their daily driver

how to tell which is the case? do first impressions tend to be formed from the latter? is the former only possible after a deeper connection emerges?

drugs affect this

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a Schelling point for those who seek one