gab dot com seems to be overloaded rn

anyone on parler?

I made an account but all I saw was boomer maga types so haven't followed anyone on it lol

appears AWS is pulling the plug on parler tonight

consequently there's a massive rush to gab, which is throwing a server overloaded error 🙃

I'm mostly just curious abt freethinkers who've joined these alternative platforms and exist outside the maga fox news boomer bubble

that and they're prime ground for infiltration / trolling 🦧

the subset of gab/parler users who I'd actually be interested in knowing is quite small (the top 2% in openness), but that's what makes the hunt to find them exciting 😄

yeah this is a good example of how I rationalize pursuing inprobable endeavors

also now there's apparently a running clock until parler goes down so it's like LIMITED TIME, HIGH STAKES now

this is how I get my kicks 👻

parler recap:

- some creative propaganda
- an embarrassing amount of nostalgia for WWII
- a few slightly interesting pagans
- no signs of zoomer energy or topwit ingenuity
- no great esoterica-inclined minds found

their search and tweet retrieval functions are already hiccupping

disappointing for twitter to lose a competitor, but character-wise, parler going down doesn't seem to be a big loss imo

best thing I found on parler

sadly posted by a qanon loser

this is legit based, shame there isn't more on this wavelength


I am on gab now

gab is banned from both app stores and doesn't let you use gmail to authenticate, so takes a little more effort

unable to post pics or gifs bc the server can't handle them rn, but I successfully published my first gab

UI is more refined than parler, however everything is slow af like being on the darknet

I'm operating under a fresh identity to avoid suspicion 🕵️

oof...having a pretty hard time finding someone on gab who isn't

- maga boomer
- flagrant nazi
- conspiracy nut

did find this random vegan influencer tho :P

based on responses to the latest stone toss comic, gab seems to think Q is a jew... 🙄

I told them it's kanye, but idk if they're ready for the truth 😔

we have a winner for best smackdown

network-assisted troll potential rising.....

@protoneutype this was a shit post but now I'm starting to take it seriously.

@StevenFan not worth it rn

interface wise, it's surprisingly strong

but it has a serious problem with lazy loading results that take forever to appear, if at all

and very few interesting ppl yet

the situation might improve in 3 months or so, we'll see

@protoneutype re buddha posting these folk need some transpersonal and awareness boosting realization tools, how else are they going to become high resolution ppl

@StevenFan you're right

however I'm afraid I'm not the person for that job

my operational objectives are simply to discover and connect with autonomous minds and overlooked hyperconnectors

if you're up to the task, more power to you 🙇

> nodding
Ty for the legibility. Indexed thusly.

I just may venture into realms of great suffering. Twitter ain't seen shit.

@protoneutype in theory, Gab is Fediverse compatible, so you should be able to follow Gab accounts from here.

I have not gotten it to work yet.

@WomanCorn @protoneutype I’m using Pleroma, hand me a few and I’ll see if I can do it. Mastodon might have it sabotaged in their default config because they don’t like Gab.

@jdp @WomanCorn hmm first I need to find some gab accounts worth following 🤔

@jdp @protoneutype aw, too bad.

I'd like to follow some people who made their backups there.

But, the amount of hate they get makes it a DOS risk, I guess.

@jdp @protoneutype @WomanCorn they haven't!

one of my favorite anecdotes about Gargron, when Gab announced they were switching the development of their own platform to instead be based on Masto lots of people were mad, went clamoring for the fediverse to collectively block them. some app devs did so, for ex you can't sign into Gab from Tusky. but Gargron refused to hardcode a Gab block into the masto source, saying that server operators needed to be able to make their own choices

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