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@georgespolitzer "Many political words are similarly abused. The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’." — George Orwell.

@georgespolitzer wait, you think I think the political class are *Jews*? The group *most* famed for being merchants and capitalists (and widely hated and persecuted by socialists down to the present day for just that reason)?

@georgespolitzer bro do you even Hayek?
Still waiting to see any communist even begin to answer how they'd solve the Calculation Problem.

@georgespolitzer Share ownership is accessible to people well below the median salary even while maintaining a lifestyle that would seem luxurious to people of Marx's time. Not capitalism's fault if most of them choose to instead take still greater consumption in the moment.
Also, most workers today have a private pension, which (at least while they're young) has a large equities component.

@georgespolitzer hardly anyone in the West now joins anything historically recognisable as the working class. We are all bourgeois now.
Once the 'iron law of wages' turned out to actually be flimsy plastic the main rationale for socialism disappeared.
Which is why its advocates now have to manufacture ever more outlandish theories of why 'class struggle' is real, while ignoring the only real exploitative class (the political class) as that's the one they themselves want to join.

@RUSHIFA Bach. "But what piece of Bach?" I hear you cry, "there are so many?" Yes, and they are all good.

@augustus wireguard users be like "lol trust the plan? I don't even trust the LAN"

@protoneutype I realise this might not work for everyone but I find making music is a fairly reliable way to get the endorphins flowing again in that situation. Combination of motor activation, structured sensory experience & sense of accomplishment when you get to the end of a tricky piece/passage. (If you're unmusical, there're probably other things with the same features... I dunno, handicrafts? Woodwork?)

@amir Isn't that AU he describes basically HPMOR? (Which is, indeed, the Best Thing.)

@Counsel in a debate, it's a fallacy to accuse your opponent of being a white rapper. Argumentum ad eminem.

@StevenFan Probably the best thing to learn about is & .
XDP: start here
eBPF is the enabling technology for XDP (and much more besides),

With XDP, the network becomes programmable at the kernel layer. E.g. Facebook's load-balancer uses XDP for the fast path — easy to see how this kind of multiple point-of-presence could be useful to a self-hosted DC network facing political attacks on its edge connectivity…

@duponin I think you also need to enable the sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward. Equivalent for ipv6 is way more complicated (like everything) —

@StevenFan oh, I'm already doing _that_ (e.g. in I spoke out against the new CoC). I was asking more about _technical_ measures: what kinds of features in the networking subsystem would be useful to a RW datacentre fending off such attacks? Better support for multihoming? MPTCP? A 'reverse load balancer' (maybe XDP based) to shunt flows around between different ISP uplinks?

The future belongs to those who show up to build it, so what should I _build_ to get the future we want?

Intuitive way to understand the intermediate axis theorem: angular momentum is Iω but K.E. is ½Iω²; momentum is conserved but K.E. can dissipate; thus only max & min I are in equilibrium, and only max I (i.e. min K.E.) is long-term stable.

(This is not really rigorous, as it doesn't prove there aren't other stationary points of Iω̂, but it's close enough & helps to remember which axis is the stable one.)

@StevenFan Anything a freedom-loving developer involved in the Linux kernel network stack could do to help increase robustness against such attacks? Asking for a friend...

@flancian cuius rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet

@danzaburou I realised a couple of years back that I already had no opsec — I'd said enough in public to paint a target on me — so now I just let my real name stand behind my words, even unto anarchist rants. It's oddly liberating.


a Schelling point for those who seek one