ricky boosted

and yet none of you made a post like this during my break

RT @rickyflows
If you don’t hear from me, I’m lamenting storebrandguy. Don’t text

@WomanCorn @pee_zombie Ahhhh tusky is android only, I will keep searching for the right iphone app. I’ve moved on to metatext now

@WomanCorn ok Imma try tusky, i’m on tootle which is decent but screws up rendering apostrophes 😂

@andrew beautiful, I'm getting some Iorek Byrnison vibes

@andrew Found it, seems like just a small group is online right now.

The role of retweet and fav seem to be switched compared to twitter (?)

@andrew waddup, can I only see posts of people I follow?

Opinions on the mastadon apps? Which ones do you use?

ricky boosted

hey there all y'all, and welcome to schelling.pt! I appreciate you joining me in this experiment and hope we succeed in building a nice lil community here. one thing that may help is linking back to your Twitter on your profile, like I did in the attached pic; totally optional, but may help us get our bearings. I'm still working out some of the kinks in the setup and would appreciate if you report any issues to me or @locus ! ty and have fun

@protoneutype @urshanabi Okay looks like you can send a DM on tusky by
1) Starting a regular toot
2) Selecting the DM option under the globe icon while typing the toot
3) Tagging whoever you want to send the DM to
4) Send toot

Is it just me, or does "favorite" seems like a higher bar than "like"

@protoneutype @urshanabi browser version appears to have dms, let me try sending one

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a Schelling point for those who seek one